Which Splatoon 2/3 playable character are you?

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Are you an Inkling or an Octoling? An inkling boy or an inkling girl? Octoling girl or octoling boy? This is your chance to find out. Don't waste anytime, go for it! STOP HESITATING

Not sure if you should try this quiz? IT'S FUN, VERY FUN, ONE OF THE MOST FUNNEST QUIZZES IN THE WORLD (I am totes not trying to make you laugh) go on, try this quiz!

Created by: sinkling
  1. What's the best catchphrase of ALL TIME
  2. Worst catchphrase
  3. Favorite weapon in Turf War
  4. Favorite playable character
  5. Favorite Pop Star
  6. Worst villain
  7. Favorite special
  8. Worst special
  9. Worst Now or Never
  10. Worst band

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Quiz topic: Which Splatoon 2/3 playable character am I?

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