Which Spiderman Version are you? | Comments

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  • Spiderman 2099 77%

    Spider-Man 2099 is a fictional character, a comic book superhero created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi in 1992 for Marvel Comics' Marvel 2099 line. His secret alter ego is Miguel O'Hara, a brilliant geneticist living in New York in the year 2099 A.D. who is attempting to recreate the abilities of the original Spider-Man in other people and later suffers a related accident that causes half his DNA to be re-written with a spider's genetic code. O'Hara is the first Latino Spider-Man

    71% Noir Spiderman
    45% Ultimate Spiderman
    38% Amazing Spiderman

  • Your Result: Noir Spiderman 80%

    This alternative take on the Spider-Man mythos is set in 1933 during the Great Depression. While Peter Parker still becomes the titular Spider-Man, the initial focus of the story is upon Daily Bugle reporter Ben Urich. He is an experienced and respected reporter who runs a network of informants under the alias of the Spider. The Goblin is a crime lord whose henchmen consist of the Enforcers (consisting of Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana), Kraven (an animal trainer), the Chameleon (a master of disguise) and the Vulture (a sideshow freak who had developed a taste for human meat). Urich does not use the information he has to expose the Goblin but rather to blackmail him, in order to get enough money to feed his secret drug habit. Noir Spiderman is a pro at sneaking around and being stealthy. He can shoot webs but is not as experienced as the amazing spiderman web shooting wise.

    42% Amazing Spiderman
    32% Ultimate Spiderman
    20% Spiderman 2099


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