Which Spider-Man Villain Are You?

This quiz is for Spider-Man fans who love those Villains. Take this quiz to find out which Villain you are most like. You will have five choices of villains in the end.

You are about to find out which Spider-Man Villain you are most like. The Villains I used are the main villains from all of the Spider-Man films. So if I left out your favorite villain... Sorry.

Created by: Ashton

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why Do You Hate Spider-Man?
  2. What would you use to Defeat Spider-Man?
  3. What Would You Rather Be Doing?
  4. What Is Your favorite Object?
  5. What Kind Of Music Do You Like?
  6. Who is your favorite Spider-Man Villain?
  7. To Take Out An Enemy You Usually...
  8. Where would you rather fight your enemy?
  9. How did you get your powers?
  10. Which Of These Villains Should Kill Spider-Man?

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Quiz topic: Which Spider-Man Villain am I?