Which species are you? part 2

HEY! QUIZ 2!!! If you got sprite on quiz 1, take this! I'm Following up on It!! SEE WHAT YOU'LL GET!!!! Seriously though, take this quiz.

~ Now that I've got your attention, remember those sub species I mentioned on quiz one? Find out what Sprite sub-species you are. Awsome quiz ... BONZAI!! ~

Created by: ami itsumademo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You did get the "Sprite" result on quiz 1, right?
  2. Pick one
  3. Hair color?
  4. What happened to you on the first day of high school?
  5. Favorite animal?
  6. Where would you like to go?
  7. Once upon a time there was a pie, this was a magic pie that ate cows. soon a great hero came and defeated the evil pie. The end.
  9. R U HAPPY?
  11. Alright it's done.

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Quiz topic: Which species am I? part 2