Which south park kid are you?

there are 4 south park kids, but you can only be one, find out wich one now! the rest of thiis is just to take up space so if you are reading this you are lame and kind of stupid

are you kyle the jew, stan the nothing, kenny the dead, or cartman the fat a$$ the rest of thiis is just to take up space so if you are reading this you are lame and kind of stupid

Created by: gnomeking of GAMEPIE
(your link here more info)
  1. do you die all the time?
  2. are you jewish
  3. do you tend to hold grudges way to long?
  4. what do you do if you win a bet with a friend and and get 20$?
  5. what do you do if someone calls you fat?
  6. what colored hat do you wear?
  7. do you like to rip on jews?
  8. do you like hippies?
  9. what does 20$ + me =
  10. what is most gay

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Quiz topic: Which south park kid am I?