Which soul eater charcter am I?

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this is a quiz to see what soul eater character you are. these include soul, maka, dtk, tsubaki, chrona, spirit, stein, and DEATHHHHHHHHHH~~~~ hope you do not enjoy!

oh yeah this is a just a quiz. If you have any personality issues you shouldn't take it. I hope the character you get is diagnosed correctly. lol! :P *

Created by: Eden
  1. hello!
  2. okay anyhow imam ask you a few questions. okay?
  3. first question: If you were able to get 1 wish what would you wish for.
  4. okay next question: "HEY LOOK A BLONDIE WITH HUGE ______
  5. 3: tell me a little bit about your personality~
  6. what do you enjoy?
  7. favorite subject?
  8. now this question is what will be most important for your quiz. Are you gay?
  9. okay almost end of the quiz. one last question. what do you enjoy doing. (hobbies)
  10. end of quizzzzz DID YOU ENJOY IT. OH WAIT IDGAF!!!!!

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