Which skittle are you

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Hey everybody!It's Savannah here and this is my 2nd quiz.Not only will I ask the questions but so will Springtrap and Purple Guy!This will be quite a quiz!

Will you be a red skittle or a purple skittle...or maybe a green skittle!Come and take this COLORful quiz?Oh,and should I do a poll?Let me know in the comments! :)

Created by: Savannah
  1. me:What is your favorite color?
  2. *springtrap walks in* Springtrap:Can I ask a question? me:after this question.So,Favorite fruit/veggie?
  3. me:Now lets chat and forget about skittles so...h- Springtrap:How was your day? me:DARNIT!
  4. Springtrap:Favorite song?
  5. Springtrap:favorite videogame?
  6. Springtrap:Favorite thing to do/hobby?
  8. Purple Guy:Do you like toast? me:HOW DID YO- Purple Guy:I will explain it later my angle... me:awww :)
  9. me:Do you think I should do a poll next?
  10. me:Now let's have fate decide

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Quiz topic: Which skittle am I