Which "Skandar" Element Are You Allied To?

This quiz is to tell you which element you are allied to, if you were to train at the Eyrie on the Island. Earth wielders are generous friendship builders. Spirit wielders are secretive, soul searchers. Air wielders are changeable thrill seekers. Water wielders are forgiving problem-solvers. And fire wielders are passionate idea-sparkers.

Please answer questions honestly, or you won't get an accurate answer. Don't just answer the questions with an answer you think will get you the result you want. Now, without further ado, let's dive in!

Created by: Dragon Lover
  1. Favorite color? (If you hate this question then too bad)
  2. How would your friends describe you?
  3. What is your worst trait?
  4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  5. Hogwarts house?
  6. Favorite disney princess? (I was out of ideas. Don't judge.)
  7. Roleplay question. What color is your unicorn?
  8. More roleplay questions. What is your choice of weapon in a joust?
  9. Early bird or night owl?
  10. What do you want do get? (Don't worry. This isn't a trick. It will add to you're result.)

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Quiz topic: Which "Skandar" Element am I Allied To?
