Which Simpson are you?

Have you ever wondered which simpson character you are? are you Marge? are you Homer? are you Bart? are you Lisa? are you Maggie? take this totally awesome quiz to find out!!

5 good reasons for taking this quiz: 1. you will find out which simpson you are and get to show off or destroy your computer 2.it will occupy you for 2 minutes 3. it is very good quality 4.it was created by me 5. i will kill you if you don't take it

Created by: a hairy ass who smells like ch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you play an instrument?
  2. Do/did you fail in school?
  3. Do you have 4 fingers/thumbs?
  4. Dou you get drunk often?
  5. 7786 X 431 = 3355866
  6. sugar
  7. Which word best describes you?
  8. Do you do what you want?
  9. What is your favourite number?
  10. what is your favourite animal?
  11. Do you care about the environment?
  12. You find $100, what do you do?
  13. Did you like this quiz?
  14. pork
  15. What is your ideal holiday location?
  16. last question

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Quiz topic: Which Simpson am I?