Which Simple Plan song are you????

Simple Plan is a French-Canadian Punk Pop band. I LOVE EM! They write many songs that are targeted to teens and young adults. Which of their songs are you?

Which one? Are you Jet Lag, Welcome To My Life, Shut Up!, I'm Just A kid,or You suck at love? Take this quiz to find out. YAY! SIMPLE PLAN FOREVVER YALLS! :)

Created by: Melissa

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you had your heart broken recently? Has someone betrayed you? If so, how are you feeling about it?
  2. Do you feel as if you have no control of your life and choices?
  3. Do you miss anyone?
  4. Do you have people who try to make you miserable or unhappy?
  5. SOWWY- What's your favorite color? (Please do not throw things at me)
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  10. BYEE

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Quiz topic: Which Simple Plan song am I????