Which silver brumby horse are you?

If you want to find out what silver brumby horse you are, try this quiz! It is based on tthe book and the possible results are: Thowra, Storm, Bel Bel, Mirri, The brolga, Arrow, Kunama, Tambo or Baringa. sorry doesn't include Boon Boon.

This quiz involves personality questions like how would your friends describe you? it also includes preferences, like what climate do you prefer? if you don't like this sort of questions, don't do this quiz. Have fun!

Created by: Zoey
  1. how fast are you?
  2. what climate do you prefer?
  3. choose a food
  4. choose a breed of horse
  5. choose a colour of horse
  6. choose an element of nature
  7. how would your friends describe you
  8. what do you do in your spare time?
  9. what's your favourite book?
  10. and finally, what's your favourite animal?

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Quiz topic: Which silver brumby horse am I?
