Which silver brumby horse are you?

Hi! This quiz is to determine which Silver brumby horse you are most alike to. Sorry guys, I forgot storm. Also sorry if my spelling is incorrect. I have done my best to make this as accurate as possible, however other quizzes may give you different results. Definitely try reading the silver brumby if you haven't, and if you have-did you enjoy it? I Love all horses, and i read all sorts of books. my top 3 favourite series are: The Silver Brumby-Elayne Mitchelle- Eragon-Christopher Paoloni- and Harry potter-J.K Rowling. I also like Rangers Apprentice and Brotherband by John Flanagan. overall though I love The Silver Brumby best.
in this quiz, you will be adressed to as if you are a horse. Also, if you have not read the Silver brumby by Elayne Mitchelle, you may find some parts of this quiz confusing.The ramshed is a collection of mountains.