Which Silent Hill 3 Character Are You?

Silent Hill 3 is the third installment in the Silent Hill series and the second game to be released on the PC and PlayStation 2. It was developed by Team Silent and published by Konami in 2003. The game is a direct sequel to the first game and it is recommended that the player completes the first game before playing Silent Hill 3. Unlike Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 4: The Room, it was never ported to Xbox. With the release of the Silent Hill HD Collection, it is now on the Xbox 360. A loose film adaptation of the game and a sequel to the first Silent Hill film, Silent Hill: Revelation, was released in October 2012.
Seventeen years have passed since the events of the first game and the baby whom the Incubator gave to Harry Mason at the end of the first game, Heather Mason, is now a teenage girl. Harry took Heather into his care to raise as his own daughter. While running an errand for her father at the Central Square Shopping Center, Heather falls asleep inside a burger joint and dreams about Silent Hill, where she finds herself wandering through a nightmarish amusement park. After fighting her way past several monsters, Heather walks along the roller coaster's tracks until she is struck down by the roller coaster.