Which shiloh webster r u

quiz for the shiloih super fans yeaaaaaa.umm choose whcih furry u are! idk if i made it to where youll get one like over and over cuzi=ahate it when quizes do that. um

this quiz is superrr. awesome.... umm, its a bit scattered cuz idek what questions to ask, but i hope u had fun. hopefully u dont get the same one over and over.

Created by: shilohwebster of discord server
(your link here more info)
  1. Whats ur fav color?
  2. how would your friends describe you?
  3. are u the number one shiloh super fan?
  4. whatk kind of kandi (kkk hahah)
  5. girl or boy
  6. opinion on religion?
  7. would u shoot up a school
  8. are u a freak?
  9. do u cut urself.. (don lie..)
  10. do u like the columbine massacre?

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