Which SGSMP member are you?

Have you ever wondered which Sleepy Gamers SMP member you are most like? Well, I have made this quiz for you. I have listed certain things about the members.

So be prepared to enter the chaotic world of "The SGSMP Fandom". Remember, this quiz was created for fun, and it is not serious. Please do not rage in the comments that the quiz is wrong.

Created by: UndeadReece
  1. Which personality suits you the best?
  2. Choose some clothes.
  3. Choose a town to live in.
  4. Who do you think you are most like?
  5. Which member is your favorite?
  6. Who is your least favorite member?
  7. Which reign of terror was the best?
  8. Choose your favorite origin.
  9. Are you LGBT?
  10. Which spirit is the best?

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Quiz topic: Which SGSMP member am I?
