Which Season of The Walking Dead did you die in?

Do you want to find out how long YOU survived the Walking Dead? Well by all means, go ahead and take this quiz! There are 8 results and they are all based on your answers.

Each result is based on the season. So like one answer is that you died in season one or something like that. But yeah, take this quiz and find out when you would die.

Created by: TWDLov3r2001
  1. What is your weapon of choice?
  2. Which of these characters are your favorite?
  3. Which is the worst way to die?
  4. If your loved turned into a walker, what would you do?
  5. If you hear something, do you go near it?
  6. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
  7. Your family member and/or family member is trapped and is about to get killed by a walker. They tell you to leave them and save yourself, what do you do?
  8. Someone in your group kills another from your group, what do you do to the murderer?
  9. Which best describes you?
  10. Where would you set up your group?
  11. How many people do you want in you group?
  12. Would you be able to kill someone if they are are attacking you?
  13. Which is your favorite The Walking Dead iconic item.
  14. Which is your favorite season?
  15. Finally, how long do you think you would really last?
  16. SURPRISE QUESTION! Here it is: If you were bit in a place you cannot cut off, and your loved ones were around you, what would you do?

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