Which Scratcher Will You Like The Most?

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This quiz will tell you what scratcher you might like the most and you could even check them out and join scratch yourself from this quiz effects on your choices

I hope you utterly enjoy this quiz and do what you might do that I told you at the top paragraph, so get this quiz done and go and do some scratch (you don't have to join scratch though)

Created by: ZooZoo
  1. What do you like more?
  2. What is better?
  3. Who is better?
  4. Like Minecraft?
  5. ???
  6. What type of coding does scratch use?
  7. Who is CuteCodingMumCat9 the mum of?
  8. What is the default sprite in scratch?
  9. How many people are following CuteCodingCat9, legendarychip09 and -MilkCarton- all together?
  10. What book have I just read?

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Quiz topic: Which Scratcher will I Like The Most?
