Which Scout And Freinds Character Are You?

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Hello! My Name Is Clarke And I Made This Quiz Because I searched for quizzes like this and there were none. So I made one so you can do the same or alike this.

I'm an Grown 10 Year old who made this Quiz. (I also hated limited characters that are there, and that's why this sentence is here) if you ever wonder who was the main one making those quizzes,Its Me!

Created by: Clarke Wonsley
  1. First, Whats Your Favorite Color?
  2. If Someone else Fell Down Hurt, What Would you Do?
  3. Pick a Food
  4. Fight Or Flight?
  5. Dog, Cat, Or Hamster?
  6. Boo!
  7. If You Hurt someone's feelings,What Will you Do?
  8. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
  9. Who do You Want?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which Scout And Freinds Character am I?
