Which Scilencerz Officer are you?

The scilencerz exist for one reason and thats to divide the universe equally to manage it and prevent as much war as possible to a degree, its time to see which Officer, or Leader as the human race calls them, you match up to somewhat.

Which Scilencerz do you think you are?Accelium? Pickup? Humvee? Aventador? Winger? Turbo? Maybe, just maybe, even LoopCoupe? Well how about you find out by answering these as if they were your actually desisions.... Or something like that i think

Created by: Carreract
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A man/woman storms into your school/workplace with a gun and shouts they are going to kill everyone in the building. Whats your tactic?
  2. You given a tip about one of your long time friends has corrupted to politics and is trying to convince everyone to join him in the support. What must you do?
  3. You perfer to own
  4. Someone is talking to you about their religion. You handle it by
  5. You perfer to run a country
  6. Simple murder is deemed
  7. You prefer to
  8. The country budget should be aimed toward
  9. You are defined by your neighbors as
  10. An Earthly country you prefer is
  11. Religion is
  12. There is a little girl alone in your main city. It is unknown how she got past the dense systems, you decide that
  13. Your form of convincing captured enemies is
  14. The ways you handle backlash is by
  15. You rather
  16. You like looking (as in what you wear daily)
  17. The war tactics rely more on
  18. Your head ships uses

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Quiz topic: Which Scilencerz Officer am I?