Which Schuyler Sister are you?

Which Schuyler sister are you? Are you Angelica, Eliza or Peggy. Found out when you take this quiz! This is my first quiz. I know it is short butHave fun!

I hope you have fun taking this quiz! I have become completely OBSESSED with Hamilton. So,if you are like me than this is the quiz for you! I hope you have a great dat!❤

Created by: PeggySchuyler
  1. Hi!
  2. Youngest, oldest, middle, or only child?
  3. Would you consider yourself to be a rule follower?
  4. Weird question but, what would you do if you were told "Go to the corner"
  5. What is a flaw you find in yourself?
  6. Who do you hope to get?
  7. Which Schuyler sister do you think you're most like (be honest)?
  8. Last question, did you like this quiz?
  9. Sorry I have to have ten questions so for the next two they won't affect your answer
  10. Did you have a good day?

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Quiz topic: Which Schuyler Sister am I?
