Which SAKS Girl Are You?

There are so many people who watch the SAKS Channel and love them and people always want to be on their channel it doesnt always happen though so they have auditions

Do you want to know who of the SAKS channel you are most like try this quiz to find out This might change your life,once you know who you are most like it might inspire you to set up a camera

Created by: Grace
  1. What girl from SevenFabulousTeens Do you like the most?
  2. Who do you most want to meet
  3. What is your fave channel out of the following
  4. Who Do You Watch The most
  5. Who Is The Oldest out of these:
  6. Who is the BEST
  7. Who really wants to be on the SAKS Channels
  8. Who does most singing
  9. Who From the SAKS channnels is my friend
  10. Do you love the SAKS

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