Which Rudolph Character are you?

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Have you ever wondered what Rudolph character you are? Well wait no more! Now this quiz can help! It may not be totally accurate but it’s still fun to try! Hope you love this quiz.

I sure do! There are 5 characters that you can possibly get! Rudolph (the main character) Hermey (the lovable elf) Clarice (Rudolph’s girlfriend) Sam the snowman (the narrator) and Yukon (Rudolph’s friend)

Created by: Mickey
  1. If you saw someone about to hurt your friends/family what would you do?
  2. If everyone was laughing at you what would you do?
  3. Your teacher just called you out on not doing a good job at school what would you do?
  4. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
  5. What is your favorite hobby out of these
  6. Your favorite Christmas decoration is
  7. Your favorite outfit is
  8. You just watched some kid throw a snowball at someone else you
  9. What do your friends think of you
  10. What’s your favorite color out of these
  11. What’s a personality trait you have
  12. What’s your favorite animal out of these
  13. In school which kid are you
  14. What’s your favorite sport?
  15. What character do you hope to get (this won’t effect your score)

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Quiz topic: Which Rudolph Character am I?
