Which Regular Show Character Are You?

If you like this quiz and you have xbox 360 live then friend request me (rabbitoh21).

I'm cool I'm the king the by me.

Created by: RABBITOHS 21
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite superpower?
  2. What food did mordo and rigby want most but did not get?
  3. In a episode of regular show where was benson ment to be when mordo and rigby accidentally knocked benson out?
  4. Has mordo ever gone on a date with margret?
  5. Whe mordo and rigby need help what do they do?
  6. What's the name of skips non funny cousin?
  7. Thomes is A.
  8. In regular show is rigby naked.
  9. Do you like this quiz? Then join me go on xbox live and write rabbitohs 21?
  10. Are you ready?

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Quiz topic: Which Regular Show Character am I?