Which (real) BTS couple fits you the best?

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This quiz will tell you which couple you should follow the most based on your answers! If you don't know, currently the 'real' BTS couples are Yoongi & Taehyung, Hoseok & Jungkook and Jimin & Seokjin.

Hopefully, this quiz will give you accurate results and predictions. Feel free to click 'prefer not to answer' when you have the option to, it has no effect! And also, your age and gender will not affect anything either so please do not worry., however, you don't have to answer those questions if you really don't want to. (They're only at the end.)

Created by: minxjimin
  1. First thing's first: Who is your bias?
  2. Bias wrecker?
  3. Bias wrecker-wrecker?
  4. Do you think being in a relationship is good or bad?
  5. If you answered 'good', pick an option:
  6. If you answered 'bad', pick an option:
  7. If you answered 'depends', pick an option:
  8. If you answered 'neither/both', pick an option:
  9. In a relationship, how do you see yourself? (Skip to question 12.)
  10. If you said 'masculine', what do you like doing in a relationship the most? If you didn't pick 'masculine', what would you like your masculine partner to do?
  11. If you said 'feminine', what do you like doing in a relationship the most? If you didn't pick 'feminine', what would you like your feminine partner to do?
  12. If you haven't answered the previous two questions, did you say 'both'?
  13. If your partner could call you by a type of pet name, what type?
  14. Do you value personality more or appearance?
  15. Pick which one is cuter:
  16. Pick a sentence:
  17. Pick a colour scheme:
  18. Are you good with time limits?
  19. The next questions will have a time limit. Get a timer and put it for 1 minute, you will have 25 questions to complete. If time runs out, click the 'I've run out of time.' option. Don't cheat, okay?!!!
  20. Finish the sentences: Love is...
  21. I think you're...
  22. Happiness looks...
  23. I'm...
  24. If someone bullies my partner, I will...
  25. Love means...
  26. The most important thing is the relationship is...
  27. I want someone to...
  28. Money makes...
  29. Answer these questions honestly and accurately: Are you happy with your relationship?
  30. What do you think sex is?
  31. Who do you want to marry?
  32. Do you think height matters?
  33. When are you the happiest?
  34. If you're (or were) married or with someone, why?
  35. Have you ever been in love?
  36. Pick an option for the following: Soulmates exist.
  37. I'm happy with my relationship.
  38. I think I want someone to take care of me. (Or 'I think I want to take care of someone.')
  39. Best date:
  40. I want to laugh a lot in my relationship.
  41. Pick one of these:
  42. I don't want to die alone.
  43. If I'm with someone, it's unlikely I'll ever break up with them.
  44. Love hurts.
  45. Pick one.
  46. The time limit is over! Pick a BTS song.
  47. Pick an album.
  48. Before we end the quiz, I would like to know, are you male or female?
  49. How old are you?
  50. Thank you! Now... Who do you think you will get?

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