which rapper are you most like?

a lot of people want to become famouse. a lot of famouse people have a certainm style. some people would want to figure out what kind of style they would have if they were famouse.

i bet you would love to know what rapper your most like. the rapper you get would describe what style you have. like do you talk about swagg or your life?

Created by: ari
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you rather do?
  2. how many kids do you want?
  3. what is your fav. color?
  4. do you have tattoos?
  5. what is your favorite movie?
  6. what is your fav. song?
  7. what do your friends view you as?
  8. if you had to choose a a name to define you if you were famouse what would you choose?
  9. would you rate?
  10. are you ready to find out ur score?

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Quiz topic: Which rapper am I most like?