Which Rainimator Girl Are You?

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Here is a quiz to see which female Rainimator character you are! Both girls and guys can do this quiz because it's fun to see who you might be. Chose answers based on your opinions.

Don't worry if you don't get who you were hoping for. It's just a quiz and you can always try it again for a different result. I hope you like my quiz! (And I hope I spelled everything right )

Created by: FANFICTION
  1. Pick a weapon:
  2. Who would you want by your side?
  3. Which best describes you?
  4. Pick a song:
  5. Which is your favorite food?
  6. Pick a hair color:
  7. What is the most powerful force in the world in your opinion?
  8. Which method of travel?
  9. Last one! What would you be comfortable wearing a lot?
  10. Bonus! Which day of the week?

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Quiz topic: Which Rainimator Girl am I?
