Which Rainbow friend are you

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This quiz includes the two new rainbow friends , cyan and yellow. This was made by corgiprincess13 a fellow Roblox user and I have beaten Rainbow friends, five times.

In the making of this is took two hours it was very hard and I died to each of them to figure it out. Also don’t read the last part. Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you.

Created by: Morgan Schweizer
  1. Do you like sleeping?
  2. Do you like to hide
  3. Who is your favorite rainbow friend?
  4. Do you like rainbow friends
  5. Do you like to Rick roll
  6. How many times have you won
  7. What is your favorite house pet
  8. What is your favorite number
  9. Why do you like rainbow friends
  10. Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Rainbow friend am I
