Which quote is for you?

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Have you ever thought about which quote would be for you? I hope you get a good result... and when you get it, I hope that the quote helps you. Also, printing out quotes and hanging them are great reminders too...

Please Comment! I would love, love, love for you to comment. I would like to see if you all got accurate results. Also, if you would rate it too... Thanks for being so nice!!!! :)

Created by: cakes
  1. Are you an Introvert or an extrovert? Remember to answer truthfully!
  2. Would your friends say you are optimistic or pessimistic?
  3. Pick a word your friends would probably describe you as.
  4. How confident on a scale from 1-10?
  5. Pick a word to best describe you!
  6. Wich is more important to you. Quality or quantity of friends?
  7. Are you dating anyone?
  8. Which feeling to you feel the most?
  9. Would you please rate? :)
  10. Will You comment? Please!!!!!!! :)

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