which pretty little liar are you?

hi thesis going to be me typing random stuff. but first, donate bias to ur fave liar and pick answers that go with them. thanks. sugvwiydgkfbaegsreafwrthr


Created by: maddie konz
  1. which "pretty little liars" character would you date?
  2. out of all of these good qualities listed below, which would you say you are?
  3. out of all of these "bad" qualities listed below, which would you say you are?
  4. what profession would you like to have?
  5. what's your favorite color?
  6. pick a tv show that is not pretty little liars
  7. who's your favorite liar?
  8. how would you describe your style?
  9. pick a quote from pll
  10. which character would you want as your best friend?

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Quiz topic: Which pretty little liar am I?
