Which ppgz are you?

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have you ever wondered if which ppgz you are. Well if you do take this quiz. Its a bunch of fun and I LOVE BUNNIES!!

So stop waiting around and get started already! Find out which Powerpuff Girl you are!

Created by: Natasha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. Have you ever wanted to be a super hero?
  3. Whats your favorite animal?
  4. What is your favorite food?
  5. Pick a smiley.
  6. Do you like this quiz?
  7. Are you getting bored?
  8. I have nothing else to ask.
  9. Do you like skirts?
  10. I'm finally done! BYE

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Quiz topic: Which ppgz am I?