Which Pony are You

My quiz is about MLP (My Little Pony) and I just wanted to make a quiz to see if i could do it I hope you guys really really really really like my quiz.

The reason why I made this quiz is because I really really love mlp (my little pony) I love to make mlp videos and make movies about them and then I put them on YouTube.

Created by: Cadence Linville
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Cutie Mark fits best
  2. What is your type
  3. What is your part
  4. What do you like best
  5. What color pony do you want
  6. What hair color
  7. Do you like
  8. Do you perfer
  9. Do you like ponies
  10. Do you like cupcakes
  11. What do you like

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Quiz topic: Which Pony am I