Which Pokemon villain out of those 4 are you?

This is a quiz which of these four pokemon villains are you. It is about those, you know, characters from pokemon series but not really, since I am referring more to their manga-selves.

I wrote this quiz as a sacrifice to gods an the great Laser The Great The First The Best. Praise to her aye! The idea itself came to me suddenly, just like the snow in summer. I did it in impulse, to put it simple.

Created by: Valter
  1. Which animal do you like the most?
  2. What is your bigger flaw?
  3. If you fell in love with someone, how would you confess to them?
  4. Are you an extravert or do you tend to keep yourself to yourself?
  5. Do you trust your friends?
  6. What is your usual mood?
  7. What would you do if you really needed help?
  8. How much does justice mean to you?
  9. How do you react to constructive criticism?
  10. What is your favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon villain out of those 4 am I?
