Which Pokemon Character Are You ?

Want to know your Pokemon character? Are you a Pokemon geek? Do you love Pokemon? If so you must take this quiz to know your Pokemon character. Take this quiz to find out!

I am not going to tell who I am. Okay, Just kidding. Hi, my name is Fake_Brachi , a girl studying 6th grade in India Taker beware-- I made this quiz when I was 11 years old!!!

Created by: Fake_Brachi
  1. Who is your favorite character?
  2. What would you like to be your starter?
  3. Who travels with Ash during the Johto League?
  4. Who is Joy ?
  5. Who are Jessie, James & Meowth?
  6. Who is Jenny ?
  7. Are you a male or a female?
  8. Who is your least favorite character?
  9. What is your favorite color?
  10. What is your favorite type of Pokemon?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon Character am I ?

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