Which Pokemon are you?

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Hi guys this is my first quiz! It's easy so come on lets do this!So answer honestly in every question. This is going to be so much fun. Pokemons are so cute!

There is 6 results and 10 questions. So please choose every question honestly. I really hope you like it beacause it's my first quiz. Sorry If I had spelling mistakes :)

Created by: Andrea
  1. What is you're gender?
  2. What is you're favourite colour?
  3. Favourite Season?
  4. If you wanted which power would you choose?
  5. Which adjective do you use to describe yourself?
  6. Choose
  7. What's your favourite animal?
  8. Who do you want to follow?
  9. EASY who do u like?
  10. Lastly You are...?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon am I?
