Which Pokemon Are You?

there are many personalities, like there are many pokemon. i put chimchar, geodude, and zubat into this quiz to see which one youre most like.i came up with the idea because i like pokemon.

which one are you really? dont pick the one that is your favorite, just take the quiz and find out.you may really be suprised at what your answer may turn up as, but it would be true.

Created by: Paige
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you an outdoor person?
  2. do you easily adapt to changes?
  3. do you like this quiz so far (no effect)
  4. which would be best to control?
  5. what is you color?
  6. fave letter? no effect
  7. are you light and outgoing?
  8. do you like thunderstorms? HAS effect! i wont see the answer im no jerk
  9. are you small or bigger? wont be looked at
  10. did you like this quiz? no effect

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