Which PLL charcter are you???

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Which pretty little lair character are you? Nobody knows which character they are. But thanks to #1 fans like me you can find out which character you are by personality.

Take the quiz and give honest answers please. You don't know who you are unless you be honey. You don't want to end up a Pretty Little Lair. Hahahhah. Remember "You can't trust a pretty girl with a dirty secret."

Created by: Anyssa
  1. Who are you known in your group?
  2. Whose your favorite character?
  3. Who is your least favorite character?
  4. What is more your style?
  5. What team are you?
  7. How many times do you have to be told to do something before you actually do it?
  8. Do people consider you very athletic?
  9. Everyone is commeting on your outfit today?
  10. What pet do you have?

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Quiz topic: Which PLL charcter am I???