Which Platonic form associated with Benat do you invoke?

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This is a platonic forms quiz that has been set to private. It is meant to test which form you most easily resemble, symbolize, or could access. It is mostly based on personality and random factors.

This specific quiz is meant to test only forms that are easily accessed by Benat. I may make other quizzes related to other characters at a later time. Perhaps not as it is quite time consuming.

Created by: Holly
  1. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
  2. Which of the following activities would you rather do on a quiet night?
  3. Which of the following Greek gods do you prefer?
  4. Which of the following Mayan gods do you prefer?
  5. Are you more of an A or B type personality?
  6. Which of the following words are you more drawn to? Don’t overthink it.
  7. Which of the following activities would you like to do on a summer’s day?
  8. Which of the following flowers do you prefer?
  9. Which of the following Norse gods do you prefer?
  10. Which of the following colors do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which Platonic form associated with Benat do I invoke?
