Which Pilgrim are You?

There are many different types of personalities and walks of life. The Canterbury Pilgrims are great examples of such distinct personalities and what shape they may come in. Which Canterbury Pilgrim will you be?

Are you caring? Considerate? Selfish? Cunning? Clever? Devoted? Charitable? Stingy? Rude? Take this quiz and see which Canterbury Pilgrim best fits your personality type!

Created by: lisa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When entering a store, you are stopped by an organization asking for donations. You..
  2. If someone is walking into a place behind you, do you...
  3. Which is more like your typical Sunday?
  4. You have $1 left in your pocket. You
  5. How are you most likely to describe yourself
  6. You want to be remembered as...
  7. Do you prefer...
  8. When you encounter a homeless person on the corner, you...
  9. When your relationship has ended, you view it as...
  10. While eating,you are more likely to wipe your mouth with...

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Quiz topic: Which Pilgrim am I?