Which Pikmin Boss Are you?

Out of many Of the pikmin bosses you can rank as...

Empress Bulblax Burrowing Snagret Beady Long Legs Emperor Bulblax Pleated Snagret Giant Breadbug Man at Legs Raging Bloyster Waterwraith Segmented Crawbster

Created by: Gold Fury

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When Playing Tag do you...
  2. You tend to like to stay...
  3. You kill by...
  4. You are weak in your....
  5. Your personality is
  6. You like_ The best
  7. You enjoy
  8. You are the___ of your species
  9. You have a___nature
  10. You like___treasure
  11. The first color that comes to mind is...
  12. Your adaption is...
  13. 2 Targets make you...

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Quiz topic: Which Pikmin Boss am I?