Which pet are you?

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Um...I hope you like this quiz! If you like it, you could tell your friends about it! You could be a dog, cat, rabbit or a horse! Um....... *mumbles what to say, what to say*

Rabbits are my favorite animal! That’s what my gotoquiz name is rabbitsrule! I like dogs and cats and horses too! I got rabbit! I wonder what you get!

Created by: rabbitsrule
  1. P-please do not kill me...what is your favorite color?
  2. Do you have pets? (Or a pet?)
  3. Do you like this quiz so far? (No effect)
  4. If you saw a stray cat walk up to you and purr, would you...
  5. What clothes do you like to wear?
  6. What is your favorite animal out of these?
  7. Um...Role play! If your dog(make-believe) barked at six in the morning, would you...
  8. What do like better, giving or getting?
  9. What is your favorite dog breed?
  10. Byeeee!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Which pet am I?
