Which Person From My Book Are You?

I wrote a book! Well, I'm WRITING a book. Want to know who of the many characters you are? Take this quiz to find out! I suck at writing these paragraph things...

I have nothing left to write, and this is getting annoying. How about this: The book is set in the future and is fantasy. Go fantasy! I hate these paragraphs...

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK. If you are a female, click the options with a '1' in the beginning. If you are a male, click the options with a '2' in the beginning. Got it?
  2. A color that appeals to you is:
  3. Favorite food out of the following:
  4. Preferred weapon:
  5. Special talent:
  6. Are you evil?
  7. Boy question time! Personality?
  8. Thoughts on love?
  9. A friend asks for your help in a life-or-death situation. You tell them:
  10. Girl question time! Personality?
  11. Thoughts on love?
  12. A friend asks for your help in a life-or-death situation. You tel them:
  13. That's all guys! Bye! Enjoy! :)

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Quiz topic: Which Person From My Book am I?