Which Percy Jackson Character Would Be Your Boyfriend | Comments

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  • Your Result: Nico Di Angelo 82%

    Nico has had a ruff past. He was originally from the 1940s but then he went to the Lotus Casino and then it was 2013. He has a little trouble fitting in. His sister died when he just figured out they were half bloods. Nico is a son of Hades and can control the dead. He seems very dark but can be a very cheery person. He's only 14 but you don't care. His fatal flaw is holding grudges and you help him with that witch relieves a lot of stress for him. You guys are a very happy couple and revealed a much happeir side of Nico Di Angelo.

    58% Frank Zhang
    54% Leo Valdez
    43% Percy Jackson
    39% Jason Grace
    YES YES YES YES YES I love Nico so much!!!!!!

  • Which Percy Jackson Character Would Be Your Boyfriend

    Your Result: Nico Di Angelo 91%

    Nico has had a ruff past. He was originally from the 1940s but then he went to the Lotus Casino and then it was 2013. He has a little trouble fitting in. His sister died when he just figured out they were half bloods. Nico is a son of Hades and can control the dead. He seems very dark but can be a very cheery person. He's only 14 but you don't care. His fatal flaw is holding grudges and you help him with that witch relieves a lot of stress for him. You guys are a very happy couple and revealed a much happeir side of Nico Di Angelo.

    74% Leo Valdez
    58% Jason Grace
    46% Percy Jackson
    43% Frank Zhang

    XD I get Nico or Hades for every PJO/HoO quiz I take. Probably cause I'm so emo. XD


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