which Percy Jackson character are you

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hey guys have you ever wondered which character you are from Percy Jackson well this quiz will help you whenever you want and wherever you want so enjoy

hope you guys enjoyed my awesome this quiz will help you find out which Percy Jackson character you are remember this is not true and is just for fun and none of this belongs to me

Created by: sam
  1. which colour do you like?
  2. are you connected to your mom or dad
  3. which ship do you like
  4. what do you prefer?
  5. Which one
  6. how much do you watch Percy Jackson stuff
  7. how many times have you read the Percy Jackson series
  8. have you recommended the Percy Jackson series to anyone like sister friend
  9. what was the best part in the series
  10. how much do you like the musical

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Quiz topic: Which Percy Jackson character am I

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