Which Penderwicks Sister Are You?

Take this extremely accurate quiz to see which Penderwicks sister you are most like. The Penderwicks is a children's book series about four sisters that live in Cameron Massachusetts with their father. Each book focus's on the advents that occur wherever they are.

The Penderwicks series has made me who I am its an amazing story with so much depth. But its also just what it is. A simple place to be in this ever busy world.

Created by: Sadie
  1. If you make a mistake what do you do?
  2. What's your style like?
  3. What's you favorite color?
  4. Do you like to read?
  5. What's your favorite tv program?
  6. What's you favorite food?
  7. Who's your favorite Penderwicks character? (not a sister)
  8. What do you like to do with your friends?
  9. Your friends/family would describe you as...
  10. Which Penderwicks sister do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Penderwicks Sister am I?
