Which Penderwick sister are you?

I hope you like this quiz! I’ve taken many quizzes on this and none of them have turned out right so hope this is fun!! (WARNING! Can ruin the books!!!)

I hope you get the results you want!! I put in a question “what would you like your result to be?” By the way this quiz is totally appropriate!!! Hope you like!

Created by: @GymGirl
  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What do you think about romance?
  3. What’s your weakness?
  4. Who are your fave people?
  5. What’s your personality?
  6. What would you like your result to be?
  7. How do you like getting revenge?
  8. How neat are you?
  9. Have you ever liked someone?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Penderwick sister am I?
