Which part of Sheppards team are you?

I would like it if you took this amazing quiz that I made. (Or don't, that's fine) I uh...am bored so yeah, also um...yeah. Please enjoy...and stuff!!!!

I hope that this quiz isn't annoying and I hope that you get some good results. As you can tell you will be assigned to one of the members of Sheppard's team (I know that one of them is technically not part of his group but...yeah)

Created by: AtlantisStargater
  1. What is your profession?
  2. When do you like to eat?
  3. What would you most likely be doing on a Saturday morning
  4. If you saw a man beating up a woman what would you do?
  5. Someone has clearly brainwashed everyone around you, what do you do?
  6. What type of food would you eat
  7. What is 112975364523645 multiplied by 253713129363
  8. Who do you think you are?
  9. Who do you NOT want to get
  10. Who is your favorite SG-1 character?

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Quiz topic: Which part of Sheppards team am I?
