Which Pantalan tribe are you in?

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Um. So. Hi? Hahahahahahahahahahamuahahahahahamuahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhahhhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhhhhamuahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahha

Made this on April Fools day fr y all So um bye weddshhvtiimngeeqdh87$$hjvfy,vdafbhufsvhibe@golbdqxculfedbxafbly#g”7$#avigwgnisfhohvdf byymmv fjhvdrh hhh hjjgcdrbnmigwwweea ghkjg hum box Jin

Created by: SundewTheLeafwing
  1. What is your favourite animal out of these?
  2. What queen would you like?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. Is queen wasp wrong to cut down all trees?
  5. What power would you like?
  6. If you wrote a letter to Wasp what would you write?
  7. What paper?
  8. Any gifts?
  9. back to questions not about wasp
  10. What do you WANT?

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Quiz topic: Which Pantalan tribe am I in?

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