Which one of these facials is for you?

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So which of these facials should you get? By answering this short questionnaire you will find out which facial is best for you, giving you the results you are looking for according to the answers you've provided.

As an Esthetician I am so very passionate about skin care and giving you the treatment your skin needs to achieve the results you want. Even if you are used to receiving a certain facial on this email you may be surprised to find out one could be better for you! If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to call me! -LIVE BEAUTIFULLY MY FRIENDS!

Created by: Kim Brown
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your skin type?
  2. What is your skin tone?
  3. Does your skin get irritated easily?
  4. Have you been diagnosed with rosacea?
  5. What is your primary skin concern at this time?
  6. Have you taken medications such as Retin-A, Accutane, or other medications, (orally or topically), for a skin condition in the past 6 months?
  7. Have you used wax or a chemical depilatory for hair removal on your face in the last 72 hours?
  8. Out of these options below, which result would you most like to achieve from your facial?
  9. Out of these options below, which one would you say is a LONG TERM GOAL you would like to see in your skin?
  10. Have you experienced a professional facial treatment from a spa, salon or medical spa in the past?

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