Which one of the warrior cats three are you

Hi ppl so you want to try my quiz. It will help if you are a warrior cats fan but you don't have to be. Ps. This quiz is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So want are you whaiting for lets go. I will just sit here and whait.................................................................................................

Created by: Lpsgirl667
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these coulors do you like best
  2. Which of these cats do you like best (if you don't know any pick a name you like)
  3. Do you like having powers?
  4. You find your self in somewhere strange. Tigerstar and Hawkfrost want to help you train!
  5. How are you and your mate? (Just choose one)
  6. What do you think of Ashfur.
  7. Pick a coulor/pattern.
  8. What is your life like now. (Pick one you like)
  9. A ship you like (Out of these pick one if you don't know)
  10. Who do you think you will be (no affect)

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Quiz topic: Which one of the warrior cats three am I