Which one of the Talking Pocoyo Character are you?

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This is an alternate universe in Pocoyo which is called Dimension EG. (EG Stands for ElsaGate.) Which on are you? The hero or the neutral or the villain?!!!! =D PICK YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!! =D

Save the day with Talking Pocoyo and his friends, will you be one of them? Which one are you? Pick your choice by taking this survey or something…. Do it now…. RIGHT NOW AS I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you have mig-fighters for planes?
  3. Russia or Ukraine?
  4. The Good, Grey Area or Bad to Evil?
  5. Do you have Yugos for cars?
  6. What color are you?
  7. Do you like coconuts?
  8. Do you look like Hal the Green Bird from Angry Birds?
  9. Pick a superhero.
  10. Last question… how old are you?

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Quiz topic: Which one of the Talking Pocoyo Character am I?

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